association of european producers of grapeseed oil
OLEOVITIS -Association of European Producers of Grapeseed Oil, was set up under the provisions of the Organic Law, of March 22th, on the right of free association, and complementary rules, endowed with legal personality and full capacity to act, and organized on a non-profit principle.
the real grapeseed oil

The Association has a European vocation and therefore allows the incorporation as members of companies from all the EU territory. At the present day it has partners in Spain, France and Italy which in turn produce, bottle, commercialize and export to all the world.
It is, therefore, a representative business organization under the Spanish law, but with a European scope and with an absolute priority in the development of initiatives that will guarantee the high quality of this product of increasing implementation in third countries.

Incorporation of Oleovitis

OLEOVITIS collaborates closely with other business associations of the agro-food industry with which it shares common objectives and interests. In particular, with the organization that assembles and represents the industry of motivation and refining of vegetable oils - AFOEX – and with the European organization of the sector, FEDIOL.

Oleovitis associatesproduce bottlemarketexportgrapeseed oils in various european countries.

OLEOVITIS has agreed priority lines of work for the grapeseed oil sector.
C/ Diego de León 54.
28006 - Madrid. Spain